To his Excellency John Seymour Esqr Captain General and
Governor in Chief of the Province of Maryland
The Petition of Hugh Eccleston, John Hodson, Joseph En-
nails and Roger Woolford of Dorchester County on Behalf of
several the Inhabitants
humbly sheweth
That about the year 1704 a certain Humphry Hubbard was
constituted and appointed Deputy Commissary of the said
County and during the said year and next year following did
take the Probat of several Wills of several of the Inhabitants
of the said County and thereupon granted Administrations as
also did take the Inventories of several Estates and Accounts
and Probat of the same made up before him according to the
Act of Assembly in such Case provided And your said Peti-
tioners further take Leave to inform your Excellency and
Honours that in the year 1705 coming up to the Commissary
General Court in Order to return the said Wills Inventories
and Accounts into the said Office an Accident by Fire hap-
pened, whereby not only the Boat of the said Humphry was
wholly consumed but also all the said Wills Inventories and
Accounts were wholly consumed and turned to Ashes by which
Means Sundry of the Inhabitants having Lands and Legacies
bequeathed unto them by the said Wills and several Orphans
and Creditors by the Loss of such Inventories and, several
poor ignorant People having exhibited and made up such
Accounts and not having Copies of the same are likely and
will if not remedied suffer very much some to their Disinheri-
son and Ruin.
The Premises considered your Petitioners humbly pray that
a Bill may be brought in to relieve the said Sufferers by enact-
ing that the Copy of the said Wills Inventories and Accounts
now lodged in the Commissary General's Office and proved
to be a true Copy by the Oath of the said Humphry may have
the same Power and Effect in Law as the said Originals if they
had not been burnt. And your Petitioners as in Duty bound
shall pray, John Hodson, Roger Woolford, Joseph Ennalls,
Hugh Eccleston.
Indorsed Viz. By his Excellency the Governor and Council
in Assembly April 4th 1707.
This Petition is thought very reasonable and recommended
to the House of Delegates that such a Bill be brought in.
Signed p Order. W. Bladen Cl. Co.