ceeding Generations which Your Vigorous Unanimity now
may Settle and Establish to your lasting Satisfaction and
Then Mr Speaker and the members of the house of Dele-
gates tooke leave of his Excellency the Governour and repair
to their house.
But before Mr Speaker went out of the Councill Roome he
moved that he and the members of the house might be
favoured with a Copy of his Exncys Speech to them this day.
Which at his request was Readily granted, And thereupon it
was ordered by his Excellency and the Board that the Clarke
of the Councill make a fair & true Copy of his Exncys said
Speech and deliver the same to Mr Speaker.
The Councill Adjournes for two hours
Post Meridiem
The Councill againe Sate and Coll Thomas Ennalls came
and was Added to the Boarde.
Coll Contee and nine other members bring from the house
their answer to his Exncys Speech Viz.
By the house of Delegates March 27th 1707
May it please Your Exncy
Wee having considered Your Exncys favourable and Loving
Speech; and of her Majesty's Royal Proffers to us which You
therein mentioned. Wee humbly & Dutifully Acknowledge
her Speciall Grace and favour, and returne our hearty thanks :
Which proffer with all other things by Your Exncy recofnended
Wee will take into consideration together with the Capacity
of this Province, And shall According to our Ability be ready
to consent to any thing that in our Judgments shall be to her
Majestys honr and Service and the good of this Province
(which are inseperable) That wee may deserve the continuance
of her Majestys Gracious Inclinations towards us.