64 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 15, 1707.
L. H. J.
eign's just Commands are too sacred to be trifled with or neg-
lected: therefore pray pardon this early Friendly Caution,
whilst it's now in your Option to have the publick Levy s of
the Country circulate within your own Bowels lest others
should be sent from Home and you directed by Authority to
disburse it.
Gentlemen, The Model intended will not put the Pro-
vince to so great a Charge as it lies under at present; if
we take off the excessive unnecssary Allowance from the
several Sheriffs for transporting or conveying Letters which
is a general Grievance; by their neglecting the Delivery of
them in any reasonable Time and gives Opportunities to
designing evil Persons to open and peruse them to the Detri-
ment of many Traders and the eternal Scandal of the Con-
veyers, without any Sort of Benefit to the Government or any
Person whatsoever but themselves; next reducing the sitting
of the County Courts to four Times in the Year, and the whole
expence of the Provincial Court &ta Please to calculate the
Charge designed to be saved you will find it very considerable.
Mr Speaker, I have fresh Commands about Sir Thomas
Lawrence who alledges he has Injustice done him. I never
injured that Gentleman in any manner whatsoever to my
Knowledge, therefore hope you will find out some way to ease
me from his clamorous Complaints; and if the House has put
any Hardships on his Office without considering he holds it
by Patent under the Broad Seal of England let it be redressed
A God's Name.
I am ordered likewise to lay the Conveniency of Mr Dum-
merie's Packet Boats before you whereby the Government on
this Continent may very probably hear from England every
six weeks; as the Plantations in the West-Indies constantly
do; for Correspondence is the Life and Soul of Trade: Why
should not we endeavour to reap so experimental a Benefit
with our Neighbours and Fellow Sujects for such an inconsid-
erable common Gratuity as Postage ? therefore heartily recom-
mend Mr Dummers Proposals to your Consideration.
p. 98
As there is a Necessity for making some new short Laws to
preserve the Dignity of the Government, the Peace of Your
Country and every honest Man's lawful Property and Credit,
I have directed Mr Attorney General to draw up two or three,
which shall be sent from this Board for your Approbation &
Concurrence Vizt. To prevent all Persons disaffected to her
present Majesty's Government from forging and dispersing
false and scandalous Reports of Affairs in Europe &ta during
this psent war Another for punishing of all Coiners of false