62 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 15, 1707.
L. H. J.
Charles County
Mr John Contee
Mr James Smallwood
Mr William Stone
Mr Gerrard Foulke
Prince George's
Mr Robert Tyler
Mr Saml Magruder
Mr Robert Bradley
Mr William Aisquith a member for Saint Mary s County,
Mr Thos Greenfield Prince George's County, Mr Thomas Fris-
by Cecil County, Mr Nicholas Lowe Talbot County all wanting
Mr Elias King and Mr Henry Coursey deceased.
The House being met it is ordered That Mr Robert Golds-
borough, Mr Robert Bradley, and Mr William Stone attend
his Excellency at the Council Chamber and acquaint him this
House is met according to Prorogation and are ready to re-
ceive his Excellency's Commands.
Ordered by the House That Mr Joseph Gray and Mr John
Jones desire the Revd Mr Wootton to attend this House in the
morning at seven and Afternoon at five O'Clock for Divine
The Gentlemen ordered to attend his Excellency enters
House and say they delivered their Message and that his Ex-
cellency was pleased to say he will forthwith send for Mr
Speaker and the whole House
The House adjourned till to Morrow Morning seven O'Clock.
p. 96
Thursday 27th March 1707
The House met again according to Adjournment, and being
called over were present as yesterday.
Ordered That Mr Joseph Hill, Mr Robert Skinner, and Mr
Robert Tyler be and are appointed a Committee for Election
and Privileges. And Mr Thomas Smithson, Mr Charles Green-
berry, Mr William Stone, Colo John Contee be and are appoin-
ted a Committee of Laws
And Mr Joseph Hill Mr James Philips and Mr John Leach
for stating and allowing publick Accounts.
There being several Members wanting in the House who
are deceased therefore Ordered Mr Speaker issue his warrant
to her Majesty's Secretary for issuing 2 Writs for Election of
Burgesses Vizt One to Kent County for a Member to serve in
the Room of Mr Elias King deceased; and another to serve
for Talbot County instead of Mr Henry Coursey.
A Message from the Honble Council by the Honble Thomas
Tench and William Holland Esqrs who aquaints Mr Speaker