Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
564 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 24-Nov. 4, 1710.
thing therein Contained shall be and is hereby utterly repealed
and made Void.
2d Novr 1710. Novr 2d 1710.
Read & assented to by
the house of Del. Signed
p ordr
Richd Dallam Cl. Ho: Del.
Read & assented to by her
Majtys honble Councill & Signed
p ordr
W Bladen Clk. Council.
Nov' 4th 1710. On the behalf of her most Sacred Majty
Queen Anne of Great Britta &c We will this be a Law.
Edwd Lloyd Presidt Wm Holland, Robt Quary, Samll Young,
Thomas Greenfield, Cha Greenberry, Jno Hall. Wm Whittington
An Act for secureing persons Rights to Town Lands.
Whereas it is Represented to this present Generall Assem-
bly that severall of the Inhabitants of this province and others
that have taken up Severall Lotts in Severall Town Lands
Laid out & Surveyed for Towns according to the Directions
of Severall Laws of this province Lately made (that is to say)
one Act of Assembly made at a Generall Assembly begun and
held at the Port of Annapolis the second Day of Aprill in the
Yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and six Enti-
tuled an act for advancemt of Trade and Erecting Ports and
Townes within this province of Maryland one other Act made
at a Generall Assembly begun & held at the Port of Annapolis
the fifteenth day of Aprill one thousand seven hundred and
Seven Entituled a Suplementary Act to the Act for advancemt
of trade and Erecting Ports & Towns, and one other Act made
at a Genll Assembly of this province held at the Port of
Annap0 the Twenty ninth Day of Novr in the yeare of our
Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Eight Entituled an
additionall Act to the Suplementary Act for advancemt of
trade & Erecting Ports and towns within this province and for
the sale of some Publick Lands and buildings in the Town of
St. Maries in St Maries County as by the severall acts of As-
sembly afd Remaining on Record in the secretarys office may
appeare Relying and Depending on the Benefitts and previ-
ledges in the said Laws Granted did Enter and build upon
such Lotts according to the directions of the said Laws.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty
by and wth the advice and Consent of her Majtys Councill and
Assembly of this province and the authority of the same that
all and Every person and persons (that Dureing the Continu-
ance of the before menconed Laws) did take up a Lot and