April 15th 1707
The Councill Sate Present as Yesterday.
Majr Low and six other members bring up the following
Address, vizt
To the Queens most Excellent Majesty
The Humble Address of Your Majestys most dutiful &
Loyall Subjects Your Governour Councill and Assembly of
Your Majestys Province of Maryland in America.
In all humble manner beseeching Yor Maty to give us
(whose Persons not hearts are so ffarr removed from Your
Royall Presence) leave to Prostrate our Selves at Your Royall
Feet and shew unto Your Majesty that the Lord Baltemore &
Mr William Penn by the Especiall Grace and Favour of Your
Majestys Predecessors obtained two Large and Royall Grants
the former for the Province of Maryland and the Latter for the
Province of Pensilvania; and which is a Younger Grant than
the former by many Years and the bounds of the said Provinces
are Contiguous and severall of Your Majestys Subjects of Pen-
silvania have obtained Grants from Mr Penn or his Ministers
and have made Settlements thereby within the Northern and