Maryland ss. Att a Session of Assembly Begun and held
at the City of Annapolis in the County of Ann Arundell the
Twenty fourth Day of October in the ninth year of the Reigne
of our Sovereigne Lady Anne Queen of Great Brittain ffrance
and Ireland and the Dominions and Territorys thereto belong-
ing Defender of the ffaith &c. Annoque Dom One Thousand
Seaven hundred and Ten. The honble Edward Lloyd Esqr being
President of her Majtys Councill of the Province aforesaid
Were Enacted the Laws following
An Act Releiveing the Inhabitants of this Province from some
agreviances they Lie under.
Whereas dureing this Long and Tedious (though Glorious
and Successfull) warr her Majestyes Good Subjects of this
province have Greatly suffered and many of them have been
utterly Ruined not only by Losses at Sea of their Tobaccoes
which is their only Staple manufacture being taken by the
Enemy but also by the European Marketts being Shutt up by
Reason of the Export to Spaine & France in Great Measure
wholly Prohibited so that very many honest and Industrious
Planters her Majtys Subjects here by the very Charge of neces-
sary Cloathing and Tooles for themselves and families are
become Vastly Indebted and no prospect as yet appearing by
what meanes in any Reasonable time to Extricate themselves
out of their Miserable and Deplorable Circumstances which
are yet very much heightened and agravated by their being
sued and brought up to Annapolis from the remotest parts of
this province to their Manifest oppression and Impoverishment
so that many of the Good Inhabitants of this province Dayly
desert their habitations and Remove themselves to plantations
and Colonys where they are farr Less serviceable to her most
Sacred Majty and Her Revenue of Customes of tobo and others
Leave their abodes and sculk in the woods or otherwise Ride
Armed wth Designe to Resist the officers of Justice whereby
the happy peace and Tranquility of this province seems to be
Greatly Endangered all which Loudly Calls for some speedy
proper Remedy to be applyed thereto
Wherefore this present Generall Assembley humbly suppli-
cate her most Sacred Majty that it may be Enacted.
And be it enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by
and wth the Advice and Consent of her Majtys Councill and
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
p. 397