They return and say they delivered their Message.
The Honble Colo Greenberry and Colo Whittington enter
the House and deliver Mr Speaker the following Message.
By the Honble her Majesty's President and Council
in Assembly November 4th 1710.
In Reply to your Message by Mr Hemsley and eleven others
since we see you will not be convinced what we have so
earnestly recommended is so truly for the Service of the
Province we must be content to desist from importuning you
to serve yourselves and Country & therefore will Mr Speaker
and your House to attend us in the Council Chamber in Order
to compleat the Session Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.
Whereupon the House adjourned to the Council Chamber
and Mr Speaker carryed with him the following ingrossed Bills,
1 Bill for relieving some Aggrievances &ta
2. Bill for reviving the Act directing the Sheriff's Office
and more easy Payment of the publick and County Levy
3 Bill confirming the last Will and Testament of William
4. Bill reviving the Act for killing Wolves and Crows.
5. Bill for Naturalization of Christian Swormstead
6. Bill impowering Trustees to sell Land in Dorchester
County formerly sold by John Nicholls to William Edmondson
7. Bill continuing Queen Ann's County Court House at
Queen's Town.
8 Bill for more speedy conveying publick Letters
9 Bill continuing Saint Mary's County Court House at
Seymour Town
10. Bill for building Talbot County Court House
11. Bill confirming Richard Brigges Will
12. Bill securing Persons Rights to Town Lands
13. Bill reviving the Act for Relief of poor Debtors and
ascertaing the Manner of Tenders in Tobacco
14. Bill reviving the Act prohibiting the Importation of
Bread Beer &ta
15. Bill for Sale of Talbot County old Court House and
16. Bill for Payment and Assessment of the publick Levy.
Mr Speaker and the Members appear in the Council Cham-
ber where Mr Speaker was pleased to deliver to the Honble
President the aforementioned Bills who by and with the Advice
and Consent of her most Sacred Majesty's Council here En-
acted them into Laws by sealing them with the Great Seal of
the Province and indorsing them severally as followeth.