478 Assembly Proceeding s, Oct. 25-Nov. 10, 1709.
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
Execution but shall take any of his goods or Chattells in Exe-
cution whilst the Sherriffe remaine in such persons debt shall
be deemed & taken as a Trespasser and Lyable to the same
prosecution paines penalltys and forfeitures as if any private
person had took the said Goods. And be it further Enacted
that the high Sherriffe of Every respective County shall be
Lyable to be sued as afd for his own or any of his deputyes
offence or offences against this Act and the debts mentioned
which the Sherriffe may owe to any Inhabitant are to be under-
stood of such debts as are assigned the Inhabitants in the pub-
lick or County Leavey or due from the high Sherriffe by Bill
bond note or account proved any Law Vsage or Custome to
the Contrary Notwithstanding this act to Endure for three
yeares & to the End of the next Session of Assembly which
shall happen after the said three yeares and no Longer.
p. 390
Novr 10th 1709.
Read and assented too
by the house of Delegates:
Signed p ordr
W Taylard Clk h d.
Novr 10th 1709
Read and assented too by her
Majtys honble Councill in Assembly
& Signed p ordr
W Bladen Cl. Council.
November the 11th 1709,
On the behalf of her most Sacred Majty Queen Anne of
Great Brittaine &c. We will this be a Law.
Edwd Lloyd
Wm Holland
Will: Coursey
Tho: Ennalls
Thos Greenfield
Cha Greenberry
John Hall
Wm Whittington
An Act for the Removeing of John Edgerton late of Saint
Maryes County planter now Lyeing under Execution for debt
in the Custody of the Sherriffe of Calvert County.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and
with the advice and Consent of her Majtys Councill and Assem-
bly of this province and the authority of the same that John
Edgerton late of Saint Maryes County Planter being now
under Execution for debt in the Custody of the Sherriffe of
Calvert County for divers and Sundry sumes of money and
Tobacco at the suite of divers and sundry persons shall by the
Sherriffe of Calvert County aforesaid be assigned over Carryed
and Conveyed in Execution for the debts and matters which
he now or before such assignment over shall stand Charged
within the Custody of the said Sherriffe of Calvert County into