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the same Session Entituled an Act for Tonnage and settling
Naval Officers Fees within this Province petitioned his said
late Majesty King William that the same Act might not pass
the Royal Assent under Pretence that the Profits arising thereby
were Perquisites belonging to the Secretary Office and upon
the said Sir Thomas's Complaint none appearing to gainsay
the same the said Acts were dissassented but not any Directions
to vest the Benefits of Ordinary Licenses in Sir Thomas Law-
rence as Secretary or otherwise True it is the Assembly by an
Act made in the Year 1694 in the Time of Governor Nicholson
did give the Profits arising from Ordinary Licenses to Sir
Thomas Lawrence which is the first Law that ever gave such
Fines to the Secretary which said Act was Temporary and
expired in three Years And altho' the Assembly did afterwards
by other Acts continue the same to the Secretary yet it was
always by Temporary Laws thereby reserving to themselves
the Power of disposing of it as to them should seem meet.
And it being considered that the Fees of the Secretary's Office
of late are vastly increased through the Multitude of Business
therein and the Licenses to Ordinary Keepers not being and
Ways entered or recorded in the Secretary's Office is unreason-
able the Fines arising thereon should be given or settled
on him
This, Dread Sovereign is the true State of the Case, and
we doubt not will give your Majesty full Satisfaction that Sir
Thomas Lawrence as Secretary has no Right to the Fines on
Ordinary Licenses within this Province, and hope your Majesty
will not hear any further Complaints against us by Sir Thomas
Lawrence upon this Subject.