By the Council in Assembly Nov. 8th 1709
Gent. We recommend to you to make a small Supple-
mentary Act to the Act for regulating the Militia to inforce
the Fines on Defaulters by the Field Officers as well upon the
Body as the Goods and that it may be such Fine as you shall
think fit, in which Law you must also revive the Act for regu-
lating the Militia with an Exception to that Part relating to
Fines. Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.
Nov. 8th 1709 Read and concurred with and recommended
to the Committee of Laws to prepare a Bill accordingly
The Honble John Hall Esq. and Colo Whittington brought
with them a Message relating to the Aggrievances which was
read and ordered to be entered Vizt
By the Council in Assembly Novr 7th 1709
Gent. We shall take Care to redress and endeavour to
prevent the Aggrievances now represented as much as in us lies
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.
Bill confirming Land to Colo Holland and others Read the
first and Second Times and does pass.
Bill reviving and continuing Process in St Mary's, Dorchester
and Baltimore Counties Read the first and second Times and
do pass
Bill restraining the ill Practices of Sheriffs &ca
Read the first and second Times and by especial Order will
The Representation of Mr John Tasker and Mr Richard
Dallam relating to poor Debtors, referred.
Read again and referred to next Session.
Proposed by a Member what may be thought a reasonable
Allowance to Mr Secry Lloyd for recording the several Acts
made the last Session. Put to the Question whether he shall