be sent up again with a Message. Thereupon sent up by Mr
Vanderheyden Mr Ward and Mr Larremore. They return and
say they delivered the same.
The House adjourned till to Morrow Morning Nine O'Clock
Tuesday 8th November 1709
The House met again according to Adjournment
Being called over were all present as yesterday.
Read what was done yesterday
The Petition of Richard Young relating to Allowance for
looking after the Stadt House Doors and Windows &ta Read
and Ordered That he look after the same and that he be
allowed forty Shillings for the next Year
The Lord Baltimore's Objections about the Act relating to
Surveyors &ta referred till next Session of Assembly. And
Ordered a Message be sent up to acquaint the Council thereof.
Which being prepared is as follows Viz.
By the House of Delegates November 8th 1709.
In Answer to the Message by Colo Coursey and Colo Whit-
tington of the second Instant relating to laying before the
Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations our Reasons
for passing the Act requiring the Lord Baltimore's Agents to
certify into the Secretary's Office the Instructions and Condi-
tions of Plantation with the Fees by them demanded and
obliging his Lordship's Surveyors to qualify themselves accord-
ing to Law. This House considering there are no Ships in
the Country going for Europe have resolved to refer the same
to next Session of Assembly.
Signed p Order W. Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.
The aforegoing Message, being read and approved of
Ordered That Mr Henry Peregrine Jowles and Mr Philip Lee
carry the same up to the Council.
They return and say they delivered the same
The Report about the Land Records read and referred
Ordered the Treasurer of the Western Shore send for ten
good Books in large Folio 6 Quire in each Book bound with
Calf Skins Brass cornered bossed and clasped one hundred
Skins of Parchment 20 Ream of good copying Paper 2 Ream
of best Dutch Royal Paper at the Country's Risque and to be
paid for by the Publick and that the Report about the Records
be referred to next Session of Assembly.