Ordered the Committee Accounts make Allowance till
Wednesday Nov. 5th 1709
Colo Holland, Colo Ennalls, Colo Greenberry and Colo
Whittington October 28th 1709 brought into the House the
following Message Vizt
A Copy of a Paragraph of the Lords of the Council of
Trade &ta Lre of the 26th of Nov. 1707 to Gov. Seymour which
came not to Hand till the 24th of June 1709
And as to the Assembly's Desire of a small Species of Cop-
per Coin if they send over the Value hither we shall move her
Majesty that such a Quantity of Copper Coin be sent in Lieu
thereof, upon Condition that no Person be forced to take the
same in Payment which ought to be voluntary
2 Copy of several Paragraphs in their Lordship's Lre to his
late Excellency the Gov. dated the 12th of January 1708/9 we
have considered the Law for Encouragement of Learning &ta
past in Sept. 1694 and find that the last Clause which is in the
following Words Vizt
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that no Person
or Persons whatsoever having your most Sacred Majesty's Com-
mission to execute any Office Judicial within this Province shall
be obliged actually to inhabit within this Province and execuie the
same in his proper Person and not by any Deputy or Deputies is
so penned that it cannot be easily understood and therefore think
it necessary that the Intention of the Law be better explained
in that particular, which may be by allowing the Patents in
express Terms a Power to execute their respective Offices by
their Deputy or Deputies As to the Act past in Carolina
encouraging the Settlement of that Country whereof you com-
plain her Majesty has been pleased upon our Representation
to repeal the same
3 A Copy of her Majesty's Instruction for that Purpose is
here inclosed
By the Council in Assembly October 29th 1709.
According to your Request we communicate to you as above
the several aforegoing Paragraphs in the Right Honble the
Lords of the Council of Trade and Plantations Letter to our
late Governor Colo Seymour, Being what may in any wise
require your Observation
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.
The House adjourns till Monday Morning 9 O'Clock.
L. H. J.
Lib. 41.