L. H. J.
Lib, 41.
Which Being read it was sent up again to the Council by
Colo Smith, Mr Hemsley, Mr Dare, and Mr Robins for their
Honours Concurrence They return and say they delivered the
Bill. Colo William Holland Colo Greenfield and Colo Green-
berry enter the House and brings with them the aforegoing
Bill for reviving the Act for Officers Fees with the following
By the Council in Assembly November 4th 1709
Read the second Time and the Houses Amendment agreed
to and past for ingrossing Signed p Order
W Bladen Cl. Co.
Which being read, it is again read the 4th Time and past for
The Committee of Aggrievances enter the House and report
as follow Viz.
That it is an Aggrievance to the several Inhabitants of this
Province that the several Sheriffs within the same Province do
refuse to take for their publick Dues good Merchantable To-
bacco when tendered them on Discount when they have Or-
ders drawn on them payable to any Planter for publick Dues
but on the Contrary presses on the Poor by executing their
fine Tobacco if they do not comply upon their Terms saying
that it is at their Election to pay their Claims at any Part of
the County tho' never so inconvenient to the Party claiming.
Which being read and debated in the House it is Resolved an
Aggrievance and ordered the Committee of Laws bring in a
Bill this Session to relieve that Evil. Likewise it is represented
as an Aggrievance to the Inhabitants in Genl that there should
be Liberty given to any Persons to hire any Lawyers practicing
the Law in any Courts within this Province for any certain
Sum p Ann. which gives great Encouragement to the Person
hiring such Lawyer to bring as many Actions as they can in
Consideration that the Fees due to the Lawyer belong to him-
self which perhaps in the year amount to a considerable Sum
more than what he is to pay the Lawyer which gives Room to
judge that if the same Person was to pay a ffee in every Action
he would bring the fewer but to be sure he will endeavour
whether Occasion or not to bring as many Actions in the year
as will amount to the Sum he is to pay his Lawyer which is
humbly offerred to the Honble House of Delegates to consider
thereof Signed p Order Jno Beale Clk. Com.