Maryland ss.
Journal of the second Session of Assembly begun at the
City of Annapolis the 25th Day of October in the Eighth year
of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Ann Queen of Great
Britain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &ta Annoq
Dom. 1709 But it so happened that several of the Members
of the House of Delegates not appearing on that Day the
Honble Council were pleased to prorogue the same until the
next Day as by her Majesty's Writ of Proclamation hereafter
may appear Viz.
Anne by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and
Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging Queen De-
fender of the Faith &w To the Honble the Members of our
Council within this our Province of Maryland and to the Dele-
gates and Representatives of the several Counties and Cities
in our said Province Greeting. Whereas by Proclamation
under the Great Seal of this Province issued the 31st Day of
August last you required to meet at the City of Annapolis
the 25th Day of October Instant We have now thought fit fur-
ther to prorogue you until the 26th Day of the same Month of
October at which Time we will and require you to convene your-
selves at the said City of Annapolis then and there to consult
consent and Enact such Things as by the Favour of Almighty
God shall happen to be moved and ordained for the Honour
and Glory of God, Our Service and Welfare of this our Prov-
ince whereof you and every of you are not to fail. And we
do hereby command the several Sheriffs to give you due
Notice, as they will answer the contrary at their Peril. Given
at the City of Annapolis under the Great Seal of this our said
Province. Witness myself this 25th Day of October in the
Eighth year of our Reign &ta Annoq. Dom. 1709
Edward Lloyd
Wednesday 26th Day of October Anno Dom. 1709.
The House met according to Prorogation and being called
over were present as follows
Robert Bradley Esq. Speaker