The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Lower parts of Charles
County praying for a Town at the Head of Trent Creek
referred to the Consideration of the House of Delegates
Thomas Attaways Petition referred to the House of Dele-
Susannah Tracy's Petition read and recommended to the
House of Delegates
The four last Petitions sent to the House by Col Ennalls &
Col Greenfield with a Bill for removing John Egerton into the
Custody of the Sheriff of St Mary's County
Mr James Presbury commissionated & sworn Sheriff of
Baltimore County
The Board adjourned until nine of the Clock to morrow
Fryday Novembr 4th 1709
The Council Sate Present as yesterday save Mr Young
John Young's Petition read and recommended to the House
of Delegates
The Hon:ble Col Whittington acquainting the Board of the
continual Apprehension & Danger of Insults from Privateers
the Inhabitants of Somersett County have been Exposed to,
Several French Privateers attempting to Land there the last
Summer and the year before and of what Care he had taken
to secure the Inhabitants by ordering several Troops & Com-
panys to be in readiness upon any sudden alarm of which
Several had happened the last Summer) on which occasions
he got Considerable numbers of Men together in order to