We thank your Honours for so readily & diligently taking
on you the Administration of Governmt according to her
Majesty's royal Instructions and we shall always be ready to
support you in it and join with you in what is our Duty that
her Majesty's Service and Welfare of the Province may not be
impaired in the Absence of a Capt Genl and to show our duti-
fulness to her Majesty and good Affection to your Honours
Signed p order W Taylard Cl Ho Del.
Ordered that Col Holland Col Ennalls Col Greenfield and
Col Whittington carry the following message to the House of
By the Council in Assembly October 27th 1709
Here we send you a Copy of Sr Thomas Lawrences
answers to your Reasons for taking from him the Ordinary
Licences which is transmitted from the Lords of the Council
of Trade &c also his further representation and complaints of
Hardships & Damages done him here & desire you will well
consider this matter and give a Satisfactory answer thereto
that her Majesty and their Lordships may not be further im-
portuned with the Secretary's Complaints or we be thought to
have done him any wrong.
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Coun.
Col Ennalls & Col Greenberry sent to the House with a
Copy of a Paragraph of the Lords of the Council of Trade and
Plantations Letter of the 26th March 1707 to Governour Sey-
mour, which came not to hand until the 24th day of June
1709 Viz.