That Benjamin Defourr of Ann Arundell County Planter a
protestant native of France Justus Englehard Kitchin a German
& James Roberts a ffrench protestant and all and Every of
them shall from henceforth be adjudged reputed & taken as
naturall borne people of this Province and that they and Every
of them by the authority afd be Enabled & adjudged to all In-
tents and purposes to demand Challenge ask have hold and
Enjoy any Lands Tenements Rents & hereditaments to which
they might in any wise be Entituled as if they were free and
Naturall borne Subjects & people of this province and also
that they and Every of them shall and may be Enabled to main-
taine prosecute avow Justifie & defend all manner of Actions
suites pleas Plaints and other Demands whatsoever as liber-
rally franckly freely fully Lawfully and Securely as if they and
Every of them had been naturall borne people and Subjects
of this province any Law Statute Vsage or Custome to the
Contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
By the house of Delegates 15th December 1708
Read & assented to by the house of Delegates.
Signed p order. Richd Dallam Cl: ho: Del :
December 15th 1708.
Then was this bill read and assented to by her Majtys honble
Councill & Signed p order. W Bladen Cl Council.
December 17th 1708.
On the behalfe of our Sovereigne Lady Anne Queen of
Great Brittain &ca I will this be a Law.
Jo: Seymour