merchandizes should not amount to the Vallue of Twenty
shillings Current money, that then the sume of six pence shall
be paid for the ffee or toll thereof and for all goods &ca Ex-
ceeding in Vallue five pounds Currant money, then It shall be
Lawfull to assess the sume of Twelve pence Current money
for the ffee or toll thereof and no more, and whereas the Citi-
zens and Burgesses of the severall Borroughs in England have
formerly been allowed but halfe wages in Respect to the Sal-
lary of the Knights of the Shires,
Be it therefore Enacted that the Citizens respecting the
City of Annapolis shall only be allowed halfe the wages to the
Delegates and Representatives as is and shall be allowed to
the Delegates of the Severall Countys of this province and no
And whereas Wornell Hunt Esqr the Present Recorder of
the said City is not yet Quallified for that Trust by reason he
hath not been resident in this province dureing the Terme of
three yeares,
Nevertheless the said Wornell Hunt by Vertue of this Act
shall be Deemed and thereby qualified and Enabled to hold
and Execute the said office of Recorder of the City aforesaid
any law Statute Vssage or Custome to the Contrary in any wise
And be it Enacted by the advice and Consent aforesaid that
the Land Called the Town Common be reserved & remaine
to the Vse of the proper owner or owners unless the Citizens
Can make it appeare to have made Satisfaction for the same
the next Session of Assembly
p. 363