An Act for Selling the Rates of fforreigne Silver Coyns within
this province.
Whereas her Majesty haveing had under Consideration the
Different Rates at which severall species of fforreigne Coynes
do pass in her severall plantations and the inconveniences
thereof by the Indirect practice of drawing the money from one
plantation to another did issue her Royall Proclamation bearing
date the Eighteenth day of June one thousand seven hundred
and four for selling and ascertaining the Current Rate of ffor-
reigne Coynes in the said plantations at Rates therein lymitted,
and it being observed that the said proclamation did not pro-
cure the desired Effect. It was in the sixth yeare of her present
Majestys Reigne by the Parliament of England Enacted in an
Act Intituled an Act for ascertaineing the Rates of fforreigne
Coynes in her Majtys plantations in America That no person
after the first day of May which shall be in the yeare of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and nine account Receive
or pay any the Severall Species of fforreigne silver Coynes
mentioned in the said proclamation at any Greater Rate that