Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
Tobacco shall be necessary by an Equall assessment on the
Inhabitants Taxables in the said County of St Maries not Ex-
ceeding Twelve Thousand pounds of Tobacco to be Levyed
and Raised this present yeare and the Remaineing part to be
Computed to be Levyed in the same manner when the said
Court house shall be finisht which tobacco is to be applyed for
building and finishing the said Court house any Law Vsage or
Custome to the Contrary notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid by and
with the advice and Consent aforesaid that in the mean Time
and untill the said Court house be built as aforesaid it shall
and may be Lawfull for the Justices of Se Maries County Court
or the Majr parte of them to hold and keep their County Court
at the house of Thomas Cooper at the head Brittaines Bay neer
the said Shepherds old feild and that the said Justices for the
said County be hereby empowered to meet at their Vsual
time for holding their County Court in January and to adjourn
their County Court togeather with all writts process and actions
Returnable and Depending in the said Court untill the said
Court to be holden for the said County the first Tuesday in
March next at the house of Thomas Cooper aforesaid any
thing in this act or any other act to the Contrary notwithstanding.
And forasmuch as it has been Represented to this Generall
Assembly that severall of the Inhabitants of this province who
have taken up Lotts in Severall Townes within this province,
some whereof have began to build houses and made improve-
ments pursuant to the Severall Acts for Trade, but for want of
nailes and other Materialls to finish the same withall, by the
time in the said Act prescribed are now apprehensive of
Looseing their said Lott so taken up and not built upon as the
acts Require,
p. 35o
Be it therefore Enacted by the authority aforesaid that if
any Person or Persons that have allready Taken up any Lotts
and others that have Taken up Lotts And made any Improve-
ments thereon in any Town in this province and have paid for
the same by Vertue of the said acts of Trade he she or they
so takeing up any such Lotts, and made payment for the same
and shall Errect and ffinish one good house to Contain four
hundred Square feet Without Sheds at or before the Last Day
of November next shall by Vertue thereof have hold and
Enjoy to him and his heires for Ever a good Estate of Inheri-
tance in ffee simple of in and to the said Lotts so built or to be
built upon as aforesaid, with all Rights and Priviledges thereto
belonging in as Large and ample manner to all intents and
purposes as if the said Lotts had been built upon within the
Time appointed by the before Recited acts anything in the