An Additionall Act to the Supplementary Act for advance-
ment of Trade and Erecting Ports and Townes in this
Province and for Sale of some publick Lands and buildings
in the Town of St Maries in St Maries County.
Whereas severall Inhabitants of this Province have humbly
Supplicated his Excellency the Governour and this Present
Generall Assembly that for the better Conveniency in Trade
they may have some other Townes Errected and appointed in
the Severall Countys hereafter named and that such Townes
be Errected and Constituted with the like priviledges as
Townes heretofore have been Errected pursuant to an Act of
Assembly intituled an Act for advancement of Trade and
Errecting Ports and Townes in the Province of Maryland made
at An Assembly begun and held at the Port of Annapolis the
second Day of Aprill one thousand seven hundred and six
Therefore pray that it may be Enacted.
And be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Ma-
jesty by and with the advice and Consent of her majestys
Governour Councill and Assembly of this province and
the authority of the same that the severall and Respective
Comissioners herein after named be and are by this act Au-
thorized and empowered to purchase and Cause to be Survey'd
Laid out and divided into Lotts the Severall and Respective
Lands herein after menconed and appointed for Townes,
according to the same Rules and Directions in the said Recited
act Conteined on or before the Last Day of May next (that is
to say) fifty acres of Land in Sinepuxent Neck in Somersett
County on the Land of John Walton ffifty acres of Land in
Queen Annes County at the mouth of Tuckahoe Creeke on
or neare the Land of Collonall Nicholas Low ffifty acres of
Land at Chester fferry at or neare the place where the old
Court house stood in Kent County and fifty acres of Land at
Shepherds old feilds near the head of Brittains Bay in St
Maryes County on the Land of Phillip Lynes Esqr which said
Townes shall be Laid out and devided into one hundred Lotts