Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
Atturneys in fact as also the Sherriffe or Coaler in whose Cus-
tody such Debtors are detained with the Cause of such their
detainer. Before which said Justices or any three of them as
afd such prisoner shall take the following Oath Viz. I, A. B.
do upon my Corporall Oath Solemnly proffess and declare
before Almighty God that I have not any Estate Reall or Per-
sonall in Possession Reversion remainder or in Trust to the
Value of five pounds Sterling in the whole more than what I
have and will give up and Surrender or Sufficient to pay the
debt or damages for which I am imprisoned and that I have
not directly or Indirectly sold leased or otherwise Conveyed
disposed of or intrusted all or any part of my Estate thereby
to secure the same to receive or Expect any proffitt or advan-
tage thereof, or deceive or defraud any Creditor or Creditors
whatsoever to whom I stand indebted and that I was actually
a prisoner in the Custody of Sherriffe at the Suite of
on the day of and have so Continued unto this
day without my own procurement or any ffraud or deceit
whatsoever. So help me God.
And the said Justices or any three of them as aforesaid are
hereby impowered to administer such Oath and to Examine
the Debtor or any other person upon Oath about his poverty
and of the notice given to Such Sherriffe Goaler and Creditor5
of the Cause and Time of such prisoners Comeing before such
Justices as afd And if upon such Examination the said Justices
or any three of them as afd shall find such Debtors or prisoners
to be really poore and not able to maintaine themselves with-
out being Chargeable to Sherriff relations or Country as afd
that then it shall and may be Lawfull to and for such Justices
or any three of them as aforesaid to give notice to the Creditor
or Creditors their Executors and administrators agents or
atturneys to appeare before them or any three of them as afore-
said at a Certaine time and place to be by them appointed for
that purpose to shew Cause why such Debtor or debtors
should not be discharged and if such Creditors their Executors