L. H. J.
6. Bill for Naturalizn of Benja Duffour, Justus Englehard
Kitchin, and James Roberts.
7. Bill impowering Trustees to sell Land for the Use of
Joseph and Benjamin Harris.
8. Bill for confirming- and explaining the Charter granted
to the City of Annapolis
9. Bill reviving the Act for Encouragement of Tillage and
Relief of poor Debtors
10. Bill reviving the Act for laying an Imposition of three
Pence p Gallon, on Rum and Wine, Brandy and Spirits and
twenty Shillings p head on Negroes and Irish Servants.
11. Bill for Relief of poor Debtors and languishing Prisoners
12. Bill reviving the Act for Imposition of three Pence p
Hogshead on Tobacco for defraying the publick Charge of the
13. Bill reviving the Act ascertaining the Height of Fences
14. Bill intituled an Additional Act to the Supplementary
Act for the Advancement of Trade and erecting Ports and
Towns &'a
15 Bill confirming & making valid the last Will and
Testament of Colo John Contee deceased
16. Bill directing the Manner of electing and summoning
17 Bill ascertaining Attorneys Fees &ta
18 Bill reviving the Act for the Limitation of Officers Fees
19. Bill reviving the Act for the better ordering and regu-
lating the Militia
20. Bill for Payment and Assessment of the publick Levy
this present year 1708 &ta
All which said Bills his Excellency was graciously pleased
to enact into Laws by sealing each of them with the Great
Seal of this Province and indorsing them severally as followeth.
p. 211
December 17th 1708
On Behalf of our Sovereign Lady Ann Queen of Great
Britain &ta
I will this be a Law John Seymour
After which his Excellency was pleased to declare that with
the Advice of her Majesty's Honble Council he thought fit to
prorogue this present General Assembly to the fifth Day of
April next, and that he did prorogue them accordingly to the
said fifth Day of April next. Thereupon Mr Speaker and the
rest of the Members returned to the House and Mr Speaker
took the Chair and declared to the House to what Time his
Excellency was pleased to prorogue this present General