Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Additional Act to the Supple-
mentary Act for Advancement of Trade and erecting Ports
and Towns &ca Read and assented to by the House and
Ordered to be indorsed
By the House of Delegates 16th December 1708
Read and assented to by the House of Delegates
Signed p Order Richd Dallam Cl. Ho. Del.
The foregoing four ingrossed Bills and the ingrossed Bill
confirming and making valid the last Will and Testament of
Colo John Contee deceased sent up to the Honble for their
Assent by Mr Tyler and Mr Covington. They return & say
they delivered the same.
The Honble Philip Lynes Esqr enters the House and delivers
Mr Speaker the following ingrossed Bills.
Bill ascertaining Damages on Protested Bills of Exchange
Bill appointing Court Days in each respective County
Bill settling the Rates of foreign Silver Coins
Bill confirming the Title of Land to John Hyde and the Heir
at Law of John Gandy
Bill impowering Trustees to sell Lands for Redemption of
a Mortgage for the Benefit of Christian Sterling a Minor.
Bill for Naturalization of Benjamin Duffour Justus Engle-
hard Kitchin & James Roberts
Bill impowering Trustees to sell Land and purchase others
for the use of Benja & Joseph Harris.
Bill for explaining and confirming the Charter granted to
the City of Annapolis.
Bill for reviving the Act for Encouragement of Tillage &
Relief of poor Debtors.
Bill for laying an Imposition of three Pence p Gallon on
Rum, Wine, Brandy, and Spirits, and twenty Shillings p Head
on Negroes and Irish Servants &ta
All which Bills were severally thus indorsed
December 15th 1708.
Then was this Bill read and assented to by her Majesty's
Honble Council and Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.
Brought into the House from the Honble Council the Peti-
tion of Wornell Hunt Esq. praying to be heard what he had
to offer against the Bill ascertaining Attorneys Fees; and be-
ing called into the House and his Reasons heard why the Bill
should not pass he withdrew and Resolved the Consideration
thereof be referred till next Session of Assembly