322 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 17, 1708.
L. H. J.
Colo Holland, Samuel Young and Philip Lynes Esq. from
the Council enter the House and deliver Mr Speaker, Bill
relating to Attorneys &ta and the following Message.
By the Council in Assembly December 15th 1708
In Answer to your Message by Mr West and five other Mem-
bers of your House, we cannot but take Leave after so many
Condescentions and so much fair Temper by us made and used
towards you during the whole Transactions of this Sessions
to tell you how much we are concerned you should have so
light an Opinion of us that we should hearken to the cunning
Insinuations of any designing Persons who endeavour to throw
stumbling Blocks in your way to serve the Country; and
assure you that we heartily wish such as ungrateful to your
House, as we have firmly resolved they shall be to our Board;
and therefore as it is our full Intention in Imitation of his
Excellency the Governor's noble Example and Declaration to
use our best Endeavours for the Service of our Queen and
Country without Artifice or Design, so we affirm to you were
we not convinced that it was, and still in this Province is the
Royal Prerogative to appoint and allow of Attorneys we
should not spend unprofitable Minutes to refuse what you
might reasonably challenge Therefore as we believe you to be
Men of sound Reason we shall in Order to put an End to this
Dispute satisfy you it was the Royal Prerogative to assign
Attorneys to the Subject who were forced to procure the
King's Grant to appoint their Attorneys, as by the Writs Ded.
po. Attorno faciendo. ffitz Natura Brevium folio 25.
p. 203
And secondly that Authority, being never delated on the
Country, nay, any the Courts of this Province therefore must
remain inter Sacra Sacrorum inseparalia Regum Nevertheless
his Excellency to shew how ready he is to gratify the Country
which you represent is willing to pass the Bill now proposed
(that is to say) that the several Courts of this Province have
Power to admit and suspend the Attorneys until her Majesty's
Pleasure be declared herein always Salvo Jure Corone, and
that they shall not admit any to practice the Law, who have
already been denied that Liberty by his Excellency and this
Board and further that none be admitted to practice in any of
the Courts of this Province whatsoever but such who qualifie
themselves by taking the Oaths appointed by Law.
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.
Which being read Ordered it be amended accordingly.
Which being done Ordered it be indorsed.