Holland from the Council enters the House
and delivers Mr Speaker the Bill directing the Manner of
electing and summoning Delegates &ca and the following
By the Council in Assembly December 14th 1708.
This Board having a due Sense of the Consequence of this
Bill were willing to have had further Consideration thereof till
the next Session; but seeing the House are so desirous to have
it compleated this Session we have once more read it and de-
sire there may be a Clause inserted to oblige the Freeholders
to appear at Elections it having been often experienced that
they are very indifferent on these Occasions. And further on
comparing the former Law with this now proposed we find a
whole Clause omitted therein which being adjunct to her most
Sacred Majesty's Royal Prerogative we are not willing to im-
pair the same but desire it may be inserted as formerly Enacted
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.
Upon reading the foregoing Message Ordered it be
answered as follows Viz.
By the House of Delegates the 14th December 1708.
In Answer to your Message by Colo
Wm Holland with the
Bill directing the Manner of electing Delegates &ta this House
cannot see any Reason why any Clause should be inserted to
oblige Freeholders to appear at Elections unless it is to draw
them into snares of Fines not being customary in Great Britain.
As to the Clause being left out of this Bill which was in the