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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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298 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15, 1708.

L. H. J.

one third of the intrinsick Value nothwithstanding any Law
we can make in the Province wherefore we cannot consent
thereto. Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.

Mr Gale from the Committee of Laws enters the House
and delivers Mr Speaker an Address to her Majesty, and a
private Bill in favour of John Hyde and Mrs Susannah Gandy
Walter Smith from the Committee of Aggrievances
enters the House and delivers Mr Speaker the following
Report Viz.

By the Comm. of Aggrievances Decemr 7th 1708.

It is humbly offered as an Aggrievance to the Province in
General that by Reason of a late Proclamation issuing by the
Authority of the Governor and Council whereby all the
Attorneys practicing in the several Courts are debarred to
plead without first obtaining a Certificate from the Governor
and Council of their Allowance thereto which is contrary to
the Method heretofore used within this Province and prevents
the Courts to admit of any but such as has procured such
Certificates as aforesaid which is a great Means to hinder them
to do their Duty for fear of getting Displeasure from the
Governor and Council and likewise many admitted through
Favour whose Merits perhaps if left to the Discretion of the
several Courts would not recommend them to such Practice.
And it likewise seems a Aggrievance that any Attorney when
admitted should be silenced by the said Governor and Council
without legally convicted of any Crime to disable him of such
Practice. All which is humbly referred by this Committee as
an Aggrievance to the Honble House of Delegates, and that
they will consider thereof
Signed p Order Jno
Beale Clk.

p. 185

Upon reading the aforegoing Report in the House Resol-
ved it's an Aggrievance and that his Excellency be addressed
to restore the Power of admitting and suspending Attorneys
to the Justices of the several Courts as formerly
It is further offered to the Committee as an Aggrievance
That whereas several Merchants trading into this Province
through Pretence of having Leave from his Excellency the
Governor has kept Stores and disposed of their Commodities
out of the Towns against the Form of the late Act of Assembly
made to the contrary; and altho' several of them have been
presented by the Grand Jurors at the Assizes for the same yet
the Attorney-General of this Province, has neglected to
proceed thereon which has been great Means of Discourage-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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