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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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296 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15, 1708.

L. H. J.

cial Court if enlarged would prevent and likewise be more to
the Ease of the Suitors of the said Courts. All which is humb-
ly referred by this Committee as an Aggrievance to the
Honble House of Delegates and that they will address his
Excellency to enlarge the said Commissions
Signed p Order John Beale Cl. Com.

p. 183

Which being read in the House is allowed and the following
Address prepared thereupon Viz.

By the House of Delegates December 8th 1708

May it please your Excellency. We humbly beg Leave to
acquaint your Excellency that it is reported to this House as
an Aggrievance that the Restitution or Limitations of the Com-
missioners of the County Courts not to hear, try, determine,
or give Judgment in any Action for any greater Sum than ten
thousand Pounds of Tobacco or fifty Pounds Sterling is the
Cause of many Actions being brought to the Provincial Court
which might be heard and determined in the County Courts
for half the Cost and much sooner come to a Determination to
the Advantage of Plaintiff and Defendant therefore humbly
desire your Excellency to issue new Commissions to the sev-
eral Counties impowering the Justices to hear and determine
all Actions of what Nature soever excepting Titles of Land or
Criminal Cases extending to Life or Member which can be no
Prejudice to the Suitors as long as they have Liberty of
Appeals or bringing Writs of Error
Signed p Order Richd Dallam Cl. Ho. Del.

Sent by Mr Mariatee, Mr Tyler, Mr Covington, Mr Pearce,
Mr Crabb and Mr Lee.
The Committee of Aggrievances likewise report that the
Comry General's Fees are so abbreviated by the several Clerks
therein concerned that those Persons which are charged with
the same cannot understand nothing by Them but just the
Sum charged which gives Room to the Officers to charge
ignorant People what they please. All which is humbly refer-
red by this Committee to the Honble House of Delegates as
an Aggrievance and that you will consider thereof.
Signed p Order John Beale Clk Com.

Read in the House and allowed and ordered henceforth
the Clerks make out the Fees in Words at length
Bill settling the Rate of foreign Coins Read the second
Time and ordered to be ingrossed

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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