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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 294   View pdf image (33K)
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294 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15, 1708.

L. H. J.

Moved by a Member that the Petition of Levin Denwood
preferred to this House Yesterday might be again read and
the Vote thereupon reassumed which was granted, and being
debated. Ordered That the following Entry be made

By the House of Delegates December the 8th 1708

Mr Levin Denwood's Petition to this House for an Allo-
wance for the Duty of 1310 Racoon Skins, 130 Fox Skins,
160 Mink Skins, and 19 Beaver Skins exported by him in the
Ship Panther, Thomas Cleeves Commander the 6th of May
1706 Which Ship foundered at Sea, this House having con-
sidered and debated the Petition think reasonable the Peti-
tioner should be allowed the same. And Resolved That the
said Levin Denwood or any other Person for him have Liberty
to ship off and export the like Quantity of Furs on any other
Ship Duty free whereof the Naval and other Officers are to
take Notice.
Signed p Order Richd Dallam Cl. Ho. Del.

The Petition of Major John Freeman praying Allowance for
publick Services &ta

Read and he appeared by Order of the House and being

heard thereto withdrew
Resolved by the Majority of Votes That he be allowed for
his Services &ta and then put to the Question what he should
be allowed ? Carryed by Majority of Votes that he be allowed
twenty Pounds Sterling for all his Services and Expenses on
Behalf of the Public to this Day of which the Committee of
Accounts are ordered to take Notice and allow him the same.
The Honble Philip Lynes Esqr enters the House and de-
livers Mr Speaker the List of Guards Names the Time they
attended, and what it amounted to, which was referred to the
Committee of Accounts for Allowance.

p. 182

The Petitions of some Inhabitants of Kent County praying
a Town might be erected at the Ferry near the old Court
House Read and granted, and referred to the Committee of
Laws to prepare a Bill.
The Honble Colo
Coursey and Philip Lynes Esqr enter the
House and deliver Mr Speaker the following Message.

By the Council in Assembly December 8th 1708.

Gentlemen, In Answer to your Message by Mr Wilkinson,
Captain Jones, Mr Lee, an Mr Covington this Board think it
very reasonable you address her Majesty as proposed, and are

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 294   View pdf image (33K)
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