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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 288   View pdf image (33K)
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288 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15, 1708.

L. H. J.

Petition of several of the Inhabitants of Talbot County for
Removal of the Court House from Oxford to Betty's Cove

By his Excy the Govr & Council in Assembly
December 6th 1708

The within Petition thought very reasonable and recommen-
ded to the House of Delegates and that Major General Lloyd
and Colo
Coursey may be heard thereto
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.

The foregoing Petition being read ordered it be refered till
to Morrow for Consideration.
Mr Skinner from the Committee of Laws enters the House
and delivers Mr Speaker some private Bills by them prepared.
Mr Joseph Hill from the Committee of Accounts enters the
House and acquaint Mr Speaker that William Bennet who
petitions for Allowance as one of the Guards was employed
by Major Wilson late Sheriff of Ann Arundel County to guard
the Prison and that the Committee desired the Direction of
the House whether he ought to be paid by the Public?
Ordered he carry back the Petition to the Committee and have
their Reason for Allowance indorsed thereon
He also produced Mr Evan Jone's Account for looking after
publick Buildings which is referred till to Morrow Morning
till the Ordinance for his Salary be seen
Ordered That all Committees be called in.
They appeared in the House
Bill for Naturalization of Benjamin Duffour, Justus Engle-
hard Kitchin and James Roberts Read the first and second
Times and by special Order do pass
Signed p Order Richd Dallam Cl. Ho. Del.

Bill impowering Trustees to sell Land for the Benefit of
Joseph and Benjamin Harris Read the first and second Times
and by especial Order do pass
Signed p Order Richd Dallam Cl. Ho. Del.

The two foregoing Bills sent up to his Excellency and
Council by Mr Wilkinson Capt. Jones, Mr Lee, and Mr Co-
vington. The return and say the delivered the Bills
Bill impowering several Trustees to sell Land, late the
Estate and Inheritance of Thomas Sterling for Redemption
of a Mortgage made by Thomas Sterling for the Benefit of
Christian Sterling, a Minor. Read the first Time and ordered
to be read again to Morrow Morning

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 288   View pdf image (33K)
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