Then the House adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten
Wednesday first December 1708
The House met according to Adjournment
Being called over were present as yesterday except Mr
Hunt who is absent
The House proceeds to examine the Report of the Com-
mittee of Elections and Privileges relating to Colo Coode's
Qualifications to sit as a member in this House and being con-
sidered and debated and Colo Coode withdrawn put to the
Question whether he be qualified or not? Carryed by Majority
of Votes that he is not
Ordered That Mr Thomas Truman Greenfield acquaint Colo
Coode of the said Vote and his not being admitted a Member
of this House.
Ordered That Mr Speaker issue his Warrant to the Honble
her Majesty's Secretary or his Deputy to issue her Majesty's
Writ of Election to the Sheriff of St Mary's County to
elect a Delegate for the said County in the Room of Colo
John Coode returnable forthwith; which warrant issued accord-
ingly to Mr Greenfield acquaints Mr Speaker and the
House That he had given Colo Coode Notice of the Vote of
this House relating to him and that Colo Coode desired to be
admitted into the House having something further to offer;
which was granted and he appeared in the House and desired
to be heard by his Council learned in the Law and then with-
drew And the House resolved that they will not reassume
their Vote nor recede therefrom
That Part of the Report of the Committee of Election and
Privileges relating to the Election of the Members of the City
of Annapolis referred for Consideration this Morning. Re-
solved That before any further Debates therein the Members
returned for the City withdraw and the following Message be
sent to his Excellency
By the House of Delegates first December 1708
This House humbly desire his Excellency if he hath further
or other Instructions from her Majesty for the granting of
Charters and erecting Cities in this Province than what is ex-
pressed in his Commission recorded in the Secretary's Office
to communicate the same to this House
Signed p Order
Richd Dallam Cl. Ho. Del.