such a pernicious Notion that you Gentlemen here assembled
are wiser than the vast Crowds of her other great Dominions
who with open Loyal Hearts run to serve her Sacred Majesty
who seems concerned the late Assembly threw out the Bill for
punishing those that should raise and disperse false News in
this critical Time of War and Danger. I am commanded to
offer it anew to you Gentlemen the present Delegates, Nor
can I believe any reasonable well meaning Man to the Govern-
ment will ever be against it
Gentlemen, there is an Arrear due to the poor Men em-
ployed to secure your Magazine and Arms during our late
Disturbances for as it was my very great Concern to preserve
the Peace of the Country I am sure it's your Part to see those
paid and rewarded who were so ready and vigilant to serve
the Public. And now Gentlemen, give me Leave to tell you
it's high Time for you that represent the whole Province to
look into the many Immoralities of this poor deluded Country,
whereDrunkenness, Adultery, Sabbath breaking and Perjury are
a Jest; horrid Murders stifled, and the Malefactors glory in it;
Treasons made a Trifle and the Abettors caressed; Magistrates
grow careless and the Offenders impudent; some being made be-
lieve by many Seducers a short Confession here can absolve them
from any future Account Till these Things are in some Measure
amended by your Prudence and Examples I have but slender
Hopes your Debates can be successful; but as we are all willing
to be called Christians and good Subjects let us in our several
Stations act like Men of that Noble, Excellent Character; and
let that Magistrate be stigmatized wth Infamy who connives
at or countenances any Sort of Knavery, Atheism or Disloy-
alty and whenever you will heartily & sincerely endeavour to
bring this great work about I should by the Blessing of God,
Gentlemen, never doubt of seeing the Country flourish & im-
prove For then Gentlemen the Heathen round about us would
never mock at our Religion as Hypocrisie and the rest of the
World will see, know & be convinced to your lasting Glory
that the People of Maryland truely serve God and with a Duti-
ful Regard Honour our Lawful and Rightful Sovereign the
L. H. J.
Colo Thomas Smithson a Member returned for Baltimore
County being lame sent his Lre of Excuse for not attending;
which was read and allowed of and Mr John Carvile and Mr
John Bathurst two members for Kent County being sick were
excused from Attendance as was also Capt. John Franklin a
Member for Somerset County by Reason of Sickness.
Committee for Election and Privileges appointed by the
House and Colo Walter Smith, Capt Richard Jones, Capt John
p. 161