A Bill reviving the Act for the Impost of 3d p Hhd read
in the House the first Time
A Bill reviving the Act for the Impost of 3d p Gall on
Rum Wine &c & twenty shill p poll on negroes and Irish
Servants Read in the House the first Time
Which Bills were read at the Board & then The Council
adjourned until ten of the Clock to morrow Morning
Tuesday Decr 14th 1708
The Council met Present as yesterday
The Bill for reviving the Act for Limitation of Officer's
Fees being read. It is observed the House of Delegates
have only proposed to revive this Law until the next Session
Wherefore in regard her Majesty's royal Instructions direct
his Excell to pass no Bill unless of the continuance of three
years or longer, It is resolved That this Board cannot agree
to the said Bill as proposed but desire the House to revive it
for the Term of three year or the next Session of Assembly
which shall happen thereafter.
Ordered that the Bill for Importation of Bread Beer &
Flower &c from Pensilvania lye on the Table for further
The other Bills brought up last night by Mr Hemsley and
Mr Robins were sent to the House by Col Coursey and Mr
It being moved on behalf of the Administrators of Mr George
Plater late Receiver of Patuxent district that by the order of
his Excell & this Board he had Supplyed Capt Blakemore