The Bill for Electing and summoning Delegates read and
ordered to lye on the Table
The following Representation read at the Board and sent
to the House by Mr Young Viz.
To the honble the General Assembly now sitting
Decr 9th 1708
William Bladen Attorny of the honble Col Nathaniel
Blakiston Agent in England for this province humbly remon-
strates that his Excell and the honble her Majesty's Council in
April 1707 recommended to the honble the House of Dele-
gates to take Care and give directions Col Blakiston's Sallary
for one year due in Septr 1706 then last past And also for the
succeeding year 1707 should be allowed by the Committee
who were appointed to apportion the Levy in October 1707
Upon which his Excell the Governour was assured by several
of the worthy members of the House that they had taken Care
& given directions therefore. But upon Inspection of the
Journal of that Committee It appears they made Col Blakiston
an Allowance for the year 1707 in full & wholly omitted the
year 1 706 which I humbly pray may be allowed him and also
for this year 1708 And that directions may be given the pub-
lick Treasurers readily to pay the same
Your most Obedt humble Servt
W Bladen
Mr Mariartee brings up a bill for appointing Court Days
Read the first & second times in the House And a Bill con-
firming and Explaining the Charter to the City of Annapolis
with several amendmts proposed by the Committee of Laws
which was ordered to lye on the Table until to morrow
The Council adjourned until ten of the Clock to morrow