Talbot Colo Thos Smithson, Speaker
County. Colo Nicholas Lowe
Mr Thomas Robins
Mr Robert Ungle
Dorchester Mr Hugh Eccleston
County. Major Roger Woolford
Mr Joseph Ennalls
Mr John Hudson
Moved by a Member whether the Serjeant at Arms attend-
ing this House and Door-keeper ought to be sworn to Secrecy
or not ? and carryed in the Affirmative And Ordered Mr Charles
Greenberry administer to them the following Oath Viz.
You do swear that you will not disclose or divulge to any
Person whatsoever any the Debates or Matters transacted in
the House, You shall suffer no Person to be loitering or heark-
ening near the House during such Time as the House is sitting
without acquainting the House thereof so far as in your Power
lies. So help you God Which said Oath was accordingly ad-
ministered to them in the House by said Mr Greenberry
The Committee of Election and Privileges Appointed by the
House to say Mr William Bladen Esqr Mr Richard Colegate,
Captain John West, Mr Robert Ungle, Colo Walter Smith Capt
John Mackall and Capt Richard Jones are sent out on their
Committee and the severall and respective Indentures for the
Delegates delivered 'em.
L. H. J.