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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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20 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 15, 1707.


May it Please Yor Exncy
This is the fourth time I give Yor Exncy the trouble of De-
sireing that the Justice required to be done the Rt Honble the
Lord Baltemore in referrence to two Acts of the Assembly of
this Province Viz the Act for Ascertaining the bounds of Lands
and another which makes Specialtys Voyd unless sued or
renewed within a Limitted time by the Lords Comissors of
Trade and Plantacons Letter bearing date the I2th day of May
1705 may be answered Yor Exncy was Present at the Boarde
of Trade when the unjust and Pernicious Consequences of both
the said Laws were Debated, therefore Your Excellency is a
very proper Judge how ffarr the Same were resented, which
was the occasion of their writing that Letter;

p. 29

The Lord Baltemore I am sure has that Confidence in Your
Exncys Justice as to be Satisfied that all the Contrivances of the
Promoters of those two Laws to keep them on foot and thereby
gratifie their owne Selfish & Stubborne humor to the apparent
Prejudice of his Lordshipp as well as all others concerned in
Lands or Debts in this Province will no Longer take Place it
being in Yor Exncys Power soe farr to repeall the Partialitys of
the Act for Ascertaining the bounds of Lands as to lett the
same Dropp this Sessions. Unless it shall be thought fitt to
Purge it of the Wrongs & Partiality's that I dare affirme in the
Presence of all Impartiall People, runn through most of the
Paragraphs thereof by which a great many of the Ignorant and
unthinking People have without the least benefitt Expended a
Considerable part of their Substance which is really the Con-
sequence of all Laws made to Serve Private Ends, And as for
the other Act the unreasonableness thereof was so apparent
that the Limitation of five Years has been Extended to twelve
in order to make it appear more Plausable. Yet that noe way
ansrs the Justice required to be done the Lord Baltemore in as
much as his bonds were due twelve Years before the act for
Prolongation of the time was made. Thereffore doubt not but
Your Exncy will thinke of the most Proper method to do my
Master Right in this perticular as well as in the other that he

p. 30

may have no further Need to Give her Majesty the trouble of
Redressing him in the said wrongs. The Consequence of the
Occasion will I hope gaine Your Exncys Pardon for this repeated
trouble given You by
Yr Exncys most humble & most obedient Servt.
Chars Carroll

His Exncy reminds the Councill that he has such Directions
in favour of the Lord Baltemore. And that he has been here-
tofore Applyed to by Mr Carroll

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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