purchased and erected and other Priviledges We do humbly
beg Leave to shew that it is not out of any disrespect to your
Excellency or any desire to lessen the prerogative of the Crown
or the power that her Majesty has invested your Excellency
with but Observing it not to be plainly exprest in your Excel-
lencys Commission we Conceive it to be our duty on behalf
of those we represent to beg leave that your Excellency will
have so much Regard to the opinion of this House as to leave
the Granting of Charters undetermined till her Majestys
pleasure therein be further known and when your Excellency
shall have it more plainly exprest We shall readily concur
with the granting of a charter provided all the Inhabitants
and Freeholders of Annapolis request the same and have their
equal priviledges in choosing their representatives and all other
priviledges which by the Laws of England are intituled to and
that the priviledges granted be according to the Laws of Eng-
land and this province and that the publick Lands and Build-
ings may not be infringed but Secured to the uses for which
they were purchased and Erected and in the mean time doubt
not to make your Excellency sensible that we are with the
greatest humility and respect
Your Excellencys most humble
and most Obedient Servants
Signed p order Richd Dallam Clk ho Del.
The Council adjourns till to Morrow Morning Eight a Clock