made A Law to cut of the benefits of the Ordinary licenses
from his Office which the late Attorney General Sir Simon
Harcourt Judges to be the lawful perquisite of her Majestys
Secretary here Mr Speaker shall have the said Attorney Gen-
erals Report and her Majestys Order thereon who is graciously
pleased to recommend a Law to you Gentlemen that the Or-
dinary Licenses may be appropriated to the Office of her
Majestys Secretary of Maryland for a longer duration than
three years and shall likewise shew you the order which the
right honble the Lords Commissioners for trade &ca sent me
about this very Complaint which plainly shews her Majesty
earnestly recommends this Bill to your Consideration by which
you will easily guess what ill Consequences may follow upon
your Refusall therefore hope you will be so prudent to shew
your ready Compliance herein Mr Speaker I have repeated
Instructions about the four Justices who are appointed to hold
the Provincial Courts and annually go their Circuits twice &
am Commanded to let her Majesty have speedy notice what
provision the Country has made to enable them the better to
go through fatigue of their constant attendances on that duty
let your concurrence therefore be hearty and chearful while its
in your power and banish all flattering Whispers which advise
you to swallow such a pernitious notion that you Gentlemen
here Assembled are wiser than the vast Crowds of her other
great Dominions who unanimously with open loyal Hearts
run to obey and serve her Sacred Majesty the Queen. Her
Majesty seems Concerned the last Assembly threw out the
Bill for furnishing those that at any time should raise or dis-
perse false news during this War and am Commanded to offer
it anew to you Gentlemen Delegates nor can I believe any
reasonable well meaning man to the Government will ever be
against it
There is an Arrear due to the poor men employed to secure
our Magazine during our late disturbance and as it was my
very great Concern to preserve the peace of the Country I am
sure its your part to see those paid and Rewarded who were
so ready and Vigilant to serve the publick
Its high time to look into the many Immoralities of this
unhappy deluded Country where Drunkenness Adultery Sab-
bath breaking and Forgery are a jest Murder Stiffled and the
Malefactors Glory in it, Treason thought a Triffle and the
Abettors caress'd Magistrates grow careless and the Offenders
impudent till these things are in some measure amended by