of this province or any five of Them shall be and are hereby
Authorized Impowered and required at any Time hereafter to
appoint in the Severall and respective Countys of this province
publick Landing Places where tobacco may be brought to in
order to be water borne and Carryed to any Town of this
Province or goods brought from any Town and Landed at
such Landings for the use of The Inhabitants of this province
which said Comissioners shall purchase of and from the owners
of The Land where such Landing Places are half an Acre of
Ground Convenient to such Landing place whereon to build
rowling houses to be paid for to such owners by the partys to
whom the same shall be alloted and if such Commissioners
Cannot agree with the owners thereof or if the owners be
absent out of this province or any ways Disabled from
makeing such Sale the said Comissioners shall have the same
Power and Authority to take up and Cause the same to be
Surveyed and laid out as they have to survey and Lay out any
Town Lands within this province and shall proceed therein in
all things according to the powers and Directions by the said
recited Town Law to them given and shall appoint what
number of Rowling houses shall be built at Such Landing
places and to whome the same shall appertaine and be allotted.