164 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April i 5, 1707.
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
the remaining part of Dorchester County shall be deemed and
Taken as members of the port of Greenhill in Wiccocomoco
River. All the Towns on both sides of Potuxent River ad-
joyning to or near the River with the Rivers Creeks and Coves
thereof shall be adjudged deemed and Taken to be members
of Port St George at Beckwith's Island in Potuxent River all
the Towns in Baltemore & in Ann Arundell County's with the
Rivers Creeks and Coves thereto belonging (Saveing on
Potuxent River) shall be deemed and Taken as members of
the port of Annapolis, all the Towns in Potomack River wth
the Rivers Creeks and Coves thereunto belonging shall be
Deemed and Taken as members of the Port of Saint Marys in
Potomack River.
And be it further Enacted that all Contenders of Ships or
Vessells after their Arrivall into this pvince shall enter their
Ships with the Navall Officers and Collectors of the Severall
and respective Districts where they Designe to ride and unload
and shall not Enter wth the officers of another District for that
it is found by Experience that by such practice much deceit is
p. 314
Used in Concealing part of their Loading and the dutys arrise-
ing Thereupon to the use of this province & that the Com-
anders of Ships and Vessells may have notice hereof all Navall
Officers shall be and are hereby obliged fairly to transcribe
and hang up this Clause in their severall offices.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority Advice and
Consent afd that the Court house of Talbot County shall be
Erected and built at the Town of Oxford in the said County
and the Comissioners appointed in a former Act for building
the same or any five or more of them shall be and are by vertue
of This And the said former Act Authorized and Impowered
to build the same their according to The Direction of the said
former Act.
And be it further Jtnacted by the Authority Advice and Con-
sent afd that all and Every the Survey" of The Severall and
respective County's within this province who have or shall be
Required to Lay out and Divide any Town Lands into Streets
Laines and Allies shall by vertue of this Act be obliged to
Deliver unto the Commissioners of the Severall and Respective
Towns on or before the first Day of October one Thousand
Seven hundd & Seven a fair plat of Each Town wth the Course
and Distance and quantity of Land Contained in every partic-
ular Lott Street Lane and Allie fairly drawn upon parchment
p. 315
to be kept as a record for the bounds of such Towns, and to
Encourage such Surveyers fairly to draw the same and do their
duty therein.
Be it Enacted that such Surveyrs shall for every such platt be
Satisfied and paid out of the County Levy the Sume of four
hundred pounds of Tobacco.