be taken up again by any psons that will Take up and build
upon the same according to the direction of this Act & the
said Recited Act in as full and ample Manner to all Intents
and purposes as if the same had never been Taken up.
And forasmuch as the Land allotted for the Town and Port
of Oxford in Talbott County by the first Laying out of the
same Town did Containe one hundred twenty four acres but
by the said recited Act made Anno one Thousand Seven hun-
dred and Six there Is no more alloted for the same then one
hundred acres of Land,
Be it therefore Enacted that the Town and Port of Oxford
shall on or before the first day of September next Coming be
by the Comissioners nominated and appointed in the said
recited Act Surveyed and Laid out according to the former
plat and when so Laid out the Comissioners according to their
discretion shall Leave out Twenty four acres of Land from the
said one hundred Twenty four acres and the Lots remaining
within the one hundred acres only shall be adjudged the Town
and port of Oxford altho the same do not Containe one hun-
dred Lots to the End that the Lots already taken up and built
upon may not be altered or Lessened.
And forasmuch as Diverse of the Inhabitants of This prov-
ince who would build and Settle in Towns and to that End
have Taken up Lots in the Towns Laid out by the Commis-
sioners of the severall Countys pursuant to the said receited