corded in the Records of the Commissary's office for probat of
wills and granting Administrations &c. be and is hereby De-
clared adjudged Deemed and taken to all Intents and purposes
whatsoever to vest make and Settle in the severall psons
therein mentioned their heires and Assignes such Estate or Es-
tates as by the Common Construction and acceptance of the
said Will had the probat thereof Duly appeared on Records
are given granted or Devised Any Law Statute or usage or
Lack of Probat of the said will to the Contrary in any wise
Aprill the 9th 1707 Read & Assented to by her Majty's hon'ble
Councill & Signed p order W Bladen Cl Coun.
Aprill the 15th 1707
On the behalf of her Majty Queen Anne of England &ca I
will this be a Law. Jo: Seymour