third year of her Majtys Reigne and in the year of our Lord
God one thousand seven hundred and four An Act passed In-
tituled An Act to prevent the growth of Popery and that
afterwards viz. Att a sessions of Assembly begun and held
at the Town and port afd the fifth day of December one
Thousand seven hundd and four upon Due Consideration of
the said Law, the Consequences thereof as also what the reall
intent of the same was by his Excellency the Governor of this
pvince her Majtys Honrble Councill and the Delegates & Rep-
resentatives of the people in Assembly one other Act passed
In ituled An Act for Suspending the prosecution of any priest
of the Communion of the Church of Rome incuring the pen-
altys of the said former Act by Exercising his Function in a
private family of the Roman Communion but in no other Case
Whatsoever for Eighteen months or untill her Majtys pleasure
therein known which said her Majtys pleasure therein known
which said Last act was further Continued for twelve months
or her Majtys pleasure known by an Act to that purpose made
at a sessions of Assembly held at the Town and port of An-
napolis the second day of Aprill Anno Domi. one Thousand
Seven hundred and Six and both the said former Acts being
taken into her Majestys Royall Consideration out of her
Gracious Tenderness to all her Subject behaveing themselves
peaceably and quietly under her Majtys Govrnmt she has been
graciously pleased by her order to his Excellency the Governour
of this province bearing date at the Councill board at White-
hall the Third day of Janry one thousand seven hundred and
five to Direct that a new Law or Clause of a Law should be
Enacted in this province Whereby the said Act of Assembly
Suspending the Excution of that part of the said first mentioned