Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majesty by
and with the advice and Consent of her Majtys Governour
Councill & Assembly and the Authority of the same that if
any Pson or Psons after the Publication of this Act falsely
forge Counterfeit or Clip any such kind of Coyn of Gold or
Silver as is not the Pper Coyn of the Kingdom of England or
shall aid assist or Abett any offender or offenders doing the
same Either by Concealing them or by any other ways or
means Countenance such offenders in their said offences
Every such offender his aiders abctters and Countenancers
therein for the first offence shall be Whip't Pilloured and Crop't
in both Ears and for the second offence shall be Branded on
the Cheek and banished upon due Conviction in any of her
Majtys Courts of Record within this Province:
Aprill the 9th 1707. Read and assented to by the house of
Delegates Signed p order W Taylard Clk h D.
Aprill the 10th 1707. Read & Assented to by her Majtys
honrble Councill & Signed p order
W Bladen Cl Council.
Aprill the 15th 1707. On the behalf of her Majty Queen
Anne of England &ca I will this be a Law.
Jo: Seymour
An Act for preventing the Exportation of Tobacco out of this
Province by Land before the Dutys payable be paid or well
secured to the severall officers appointed or to be appointed
for receiving the same.