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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 111   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 111

settled and secured already by the Law; and therefore we are
unwilling to make any Alteration therein. And as to the
Quakers we take them to be comprehended whithin the Law
of the Militia already and there is no Reason to make a Pro-
vision for them distinct from the rest of the Queen's Subjects
in this Province as to the Militia Affairs. And as to all other
Matters relating to the Militia we are of Opinion that the Law
is well enough as it is and needs no Manner of Alteration.
Signed p Order W. Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.

Mr Maclaster returns and says he delivered the same.
Hammond, Colo
Lloyd, Colo
Ennalls, and Colo
brings from the Council the following Message.

By his Excellency the Governor and Council Apl 10th 1707

In Answer to your Message that you cannot agree to the
Report from the Conference held for the Security of the pub-
lick Arms and Ammunition at Annapolis we acquaint you that
we are of Opinion that the publick Arms and Ammunition
especially at this Town ought to be well preserved and secured
and therefore his Excellency is pleased to declare that this
being a Concern of the greatest Moment and whereon de-
pends the Defence and Security of the Province he must
(though very desirous to avoid all Occasions of exposing the
Country to any Charge) take care and give proper Directions
for the Security of the Magazine and well hoped the House
would advised and assisted him therein, since by their Desire
and Approbation he had taken Care to have so good and
Serviceable a Quantity both of Arms and Ammunition bought
and imported but seeing you have not thought fit so to do his
Excellency who is the proper Judge will direct what may be
thought fit therein
Signed p Order W. Bladen Cl. Co.

L. H. J.

Journal of the Committee of Accounts read and assented to
by the House of Delegates and sent up to his Excellency and
Council by Mr John Leach and Mr James Philips. They re-
turn and say they delivered the same.
Ennalls enters the House and delivers Mr Speaker the
following ingrossed Bills with some Depositions against Joseph
Ingrossed Bill for repealing the Act against Exportation of
European Goods &ta
Ingrossed Bill for continuing Sheriffs of Talbot Kent and
Cecil Counties their Execution for publick Dues.

p. '35

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 111   View pdf image (33K)
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