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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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10 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.


The sd Peticon & notification Sent to the house by Coll
The Petition of Severall of the Inhabitants of Calvert County
Praying that the Court house of that County may be for the
future appointed at Hunting Towne read and Approved of by
his Exncy and this Board and it is recomended that a Bill be
prepared therefore. The said Petition & recomendation Sent
to the house by Coll Jenkins.
The Petition of Mr Tobias Pollard read praying that three
Tracts of Land given him by Mr John Pollard his Father may
be confirmed according to a certain deed of gift by the said
Mr John Pollard Signed and Sealed tho not in all other pertic-
ulars duely Executed as the Laws of this Province Strictly
requireth. And Ordered thereupon that somons Issue to Mr
John Pollards heirs in remainder to Shew Cause why a Bill
should not be Admitted to be brought in therefore. And
further his Exncy was pleased to grant the Petitioner a Comis-
sion out of the high Court of Chancery to Examine his Evi-
dences in perpetual memory for the better Satisfaction of the
Assembly at the next Session
The boarde Adjournes untill nine of the Clock to morrow

p. 12

Saturday March 29th 1707.

The Councill Sate Present as Yesterday Save Coll Holland
who had leave to go home on a perticular occasion.
His Exncy was pleased to Send a Copy of the Paragraph of
the Letter from the Rt Honble the Lords of Trade and Plan-
tations in favour of Sr Thomas Laurence her Majestys Secre-
tary as followeth. And also their Lord shipps Letter in favour
of Mr Dummers Proposalls for Packett Boates with the follow-
ing Message sent by Coll Hammond & Coll Lloyd.

By his Exncy the Governr & Councill in Assem.
March the 29th 1707

Herewith his Exncy is pleased to send you a Copy of that
Part of his Comands Signified by the Rt Honble the Lords of
the Comittee of Trade & fforeigne Plantations in favour of Sr
Thomas Laurence her Majestys Secretary of this Province
which is again recomended to your best Consideration that
Satisfaction may be given his Complaints or otherwise in Case
you have reason to believe any hardshipps are put upon him
as to his office pray in respect to her Majestys Patent do him
what Justice is in Your Power as Speedily as may be.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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