The Lower House. 99
Resolved Mr Samll Young Mr Charles Greenberry and M'
George Muschamp attend his Excy and Councill to know their
pleasure therein
They returne and informe the house that his Excy was
pleas'd to say that the severall members must take them All
Anew It being A new Sessions of Assembly and According
to the Custom of England in such cases.
The honoble Thomas Tench Ino Addison Thorns Brooke
and Wm Holland Esqrs from the Councill togeather with Mr
Wm Bladen their Clerk enters the house to Administer the
Oaths which were tendered.
The honoble speaker George Muschamp Esqr Mr Wm
Watts Mr Wm Aisquith Mr Peter Watts Coll Thoms Smith Mr
Wm Frisby Mr Elias King Mr Iohn Wells Mr Samll Young Mr
Charles Greenberry Mr Iohn Hill Mr Robt Skinner Mr Iohn
Leach Mr Iohn Macall Mr Thoms Howe Mr Iames Smallwood
Mr Edward Dorsey Mr Iames Maxfeild Mr Iames Phillips Mr
Francis Dollahyde Mr Edward Blag Mr Thomas Frisby Coll
Wm Peirce Mr Wm Dare Mr Wm Barton Mr Rob' Tyler and
Mr Samll Magruder having taken the oath of Allegiance and
Abhorrency and the oath of Abjuration and signe the same
and test severally only Mr Iohn Hamond A member for Ann
Arrundell County refus'd the same.
Mr Speaker having taken the chaire the rest of the mem-
bers took their places Accordingly
The house adjourned till to morrow morning Nine A Clock.
P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.
Wednesday Septr 6th 1704
The house mett againe and being calld over were all
present as Yesterday only Mr Iohn Hamond who refus'd the
The house Nemine Contradicente made choice of Wm Tay-
lard to be their clerke and
Order'd that Mr Charles Greenberry and Major Iames
Smallwood goe with him to present him to his Excy and
Councill that they may See him quallified.
They returne and Acquaint Mr Speaker that they have seen
the Clerke quallifyd And that his Excy was pleas'd to say he
well approvd of their choice and would grant him A Com-
Orderd by the house that the Oath of Clerk of the Assem-
bly taken by the said Wm Taylard be here entred vizt
I William Taylard doe swear that I will well and truely
Execute the office of Clerke of the house of Delegates Accord-
ing to the best of my power Skill knowledge and Under-