65. An Act Encouraging Tillage &c.
66. An Act for punishing of Blasphemy &c.
67 An Act reviving the Petitionary Act of Free Schools
68. An Act to prevent the Growth of Popery
69 An Act for Speedy Tryal of Criminals &c.
70. An Act for better Adminn of Justice in probat of Wills
71. An Act for Appeals and Errors &c.
72. An Act for ordering the militia &c.
73. An Act commanding masters to publish freights
74. An Act rectifying the ill Practices of Attorneys
75. An Act for Limitation of officers Fees.
76. An Act of repeale
77. An Act declaring Sevt former Acts to be in force
78. A Bill for apportioning the publick Levy
To every of which Bills his Excy was pleased to assent and
Enacted them into Laws by underwriting them Severally
Thus on Behalf of her Majesty &c
I will this be a Law
John Seymour
And likewise sealed them severally with the broad Seal of
this Province which being done his Excy was pleased to say
That he Thanked them for their Earnest endeavours in re-
vising the Laws pursuant to her Majesties royal Instructions
and hoped that these Gentlemen who were Magistrates and
Justices in their Several Counties would take Care to see them
put in Execution
After which his Excell was pleased to prorogue them to the
fifth day of December next.
W Bladen Cl Council.