Then his Excellency was pleased to say to Mr Speaker and
the Members of the House of Delegates.
Gentlemen. With the Advice of her Majesty's Honbel
Council I have thought fit to prorogue you until the 20th Day
of June next ensuing. To which Time you are accordingly
p Order W. Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.
The Houses Address of Thanks to his Excellency the Gov-
ernor sent up by Mr Skinner and nine other Members. Or-
dered to be entered. April 13th 1 706.
May it please your Excellency.
We her Majesty's most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects the
Representatives of the Inhabitants of the respective Counties
of this Province now met and convened in a General Assembly
do give your Excellency hearty Thanks for all your Kindnesses
and generous Gratitudes shewed to us from your Accession
to this Goverment to this Time and we do assure your Excel-
lency that as her Majesty by her Royal Bounty have filled out
Hearts with Thankfulness so she has added one Degree of
Joy to our Felicity by placing your Excellency her Vicegerent
over us which will highly improve that profound Veneration
and Respect which we now have and shall always desire to
retain for your Excellency's Person and Government.